During the week of July 14th, Maker Jawn is leading the National Writing Project’s Connected Learning MOOC. Our theme is “Storytelling with Light” and we’re encouraging participants to create physical objects that integrate light, craft, and story design. Several Maker Jawn Mentors and I hosted a live hangout where we talked about our favorite ways we and the youth we… Read more →
Author: kfaisteele

Maker Jawn webinar on 5/14 11am EST: Youth projects, sharing, and documentation
The Maker Jawn team is hosting its final webinar as part of its Library Services and Technology Act grant next Wednesday, May 14th from 11:00 a.m. to noon EST. In this webinar, the Maker Jawn team will describe how youth from sites are sharing and documenting their creative projects and process. We will also discuss how Maker Jawn is documenting… Read more →

Reaching all 54 branches! Expanding Maker Programming through Librarians and Teens!
K-Fai and Barbara have recently begun working with the Free Library’s Literacy Enrichment Afterschool Program (LEAP) to create maker curriculum to be used by Teen Leadership Assistants (TLAs) in neighborhood libraries systemwide (54 branches!). We’re excited to expand maker programming throughout the entire library system, and this morning had the pleasure of leading some Adult/Teen Librarians in maker programming. Many… Read more →

Developing Mentor Badging!
Got together the Maker Jawn Mentors this morning to map out badging pathways. Some really exciting stuff in the works… Read more →

Upcoming webinar alert: *Make It* – featuring Maker Mentors!
Join us on a youtube streamed webinar on Thursday, February 20th from 11:00am-12:00pm EST as we talk about what it’s been like to implement Maker Mentors as part of our Library Services and Technology Act grant, Design It * Make It * Share It. We’ll discuss methods, philosophy, best practices, and more, and will give time at the end for… Read more →

Letter from Thailand: Youth Maker Spaces and the Importance of Staff Development
Libraries and museums across the United States are building youth maker spaces and programming in an effort to broaden free, community-embedded educational opportunities. However, the tech enthusiasts who are championing the programming comprise a small percentage of library or museum staff. Many remain skeptical or unconvinced; they may already be stretched too thin in their job, or they may think… Read more →