Recycling Electronics!

This last week, we worked on all sorts of projects. From the good ol’ squishy circuits and paper circuits, to our new impromptu project of the week; re-using a trashed Guitar Hero controller to use with a Makey Makey. We took a look at the circuit board, and reverse engineered the circuit so that we could wire the switches in the controller to a Makey Makey.

Along the way, I was able to visit some of the other space and see what they were up to. I’ll be posting a large post of tons of photos from the spaces, but for today, there a few teasers from a couple of quick soldeirng lessons and the like.

Next week we’ll be showing off our completed hovercraft, rocking out on our completed Makey Makey Guitar Hero controller and start rolling on the Connected Messages mural! Looking forward to it!

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