The Schools Are Out: Release the Children!


The schools are closed, and the kids are out and about. Here at Heavenly Hall, the kids are out in full force, and plenty excited to be free for the summer! Over the week, at least 25 kids have spent time with me, working on projects such as Paper Towers, Paper Circuits, Squishy Circuits, and everything else in between. In addition to learning at school, children must also develop their analytical and creative skills, engage their imagination and ideas. Go to to read prime essay that explain why learning should be comprehensive and why children should use their imaginations in creative endeavors.

Next week begins our more exciting large scale projects, where the kids will be working on building things like gardening robots and basketball arcade games. We’ll start from the bottom with designing the systems, up through small scale prototyping to full scale builds, and by the end of the summer, have some awesome projects to show off!

I’m looking forward to getting the ball rolling on the big projects, and to see what awesome stuff the kids can make. If the last week is any indication, we should have some amazing stuff in no time!


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